What To Expect During A Cavity-Filling Procedure

26 October 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Visiting a dentist for a cavity-filling procedure can be intimidating, especially if it's your first time visiting a dentist. But don't worry; it's one of the most common dental procedures and is relatively simple. There's no doubt that many people dread going to the dentist. Despite it being a short visit, the fear of the unknown can be overwhelming. But rest assured, if you are informed and know what to expect, the process will be less intimidating. This article will guide you on what to expect during a cavity-filling procedure.

Pre-Procedure Preparation

Before the procedure, your dentist will conduct a preliminary examination to determine the level of decay affecting your tooth. An x-ray will also be performed to ascertain the extent of the cavity. The X-ray will help the dentist determine where the cavity is situated within the tooth. Once the extent of the cavity is identified, your dentist will prepare to fill it. Before the filling procedure starts, the dentist will numb the area with an anesthetic. This will ensure that you feel no pain and are relaxed throughout the procedure.

The Procedure

Once you're prepped, the dentist will start the cavity-filling procedure. The dentist will first remove the decayed part of the tooth with a drill. The dentist will then clean the cavity thoroughly. After the infected parts are removed, the dentist will fill the cavity with a filling material of your choice. There are different filling materials available, such as resin or amalgam. It's good to discuss your filling options with your dentist beforehand. The filling material is then attached to the tooth with an adhesive before the dentist polishes the tooth to smooth it out.

Post Procedure Care

After the procedure is done, you will be given specific instructions on how to care for your teeth. It's common to have some pain or sensitivity after the procedure. It's essential to follow the dentist's instructions on pain relief to aid in recovery. Avoid solid or hot foods for a few hours after the procedure as well. You might also consider making some changes to your diet, oral hygiene routine and lifestyle choices. This will help to improve the health of your teeth and gums and prevent future dental issues.

Visiting the dentist can be a nerve-wracking experience for many people, especially when they're getting a filling for a cavity. But, by being informed and aware of what to expect, the procedure can be manageable and easy. 

Contact your dentist for more information. 
