Different Types of Teeth Cleaning

13 March 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Regular dental cleanings are an important part of oral hygiene. Visiting your dentist at least twice a year will ensure you address dental issues before they become serious. The types of dental cleanings performed by your dentist will vary depending on the condition of your teeth. Here are some of the most common teeth cleaning procedures.


This form of cleaning gets rid of stains and plaque on the surface of your teeth. The dentist will use a scaler to remove tartar that has developed. They will also polish your teeth with a motorised toothbrush to eliminate stains and prevent plaque from forming in the future. The hygienist will also floss between your teeth and apply a fluoride treatment to strengthen the tooth enamel. This form of cleaning focuses on the crowns of the teeth and is not recommended for people with dental conditions like gingivitis.


If it has been long since you went for a dental cleaning, you need to get a debridement. Standard cleanings focus on plaque removal, but debridement gets rid of calculus build up. The hygienist will use electric scalers to remove tartar and plaque buildup. After the buildup is removed, you will have to schedule another appointment for regular cleaning. A debridement is performed to provide a better view of the mouth for diagnosis, probing, and further treatment. It helps relieve gum inflammation and is recommended for people with periodontal disease.

Root Planing

If you have severe periodontal disease, your hygienist might perform a root planing procedure. Regular brushing and standard cleaning are not enough to access your gum line. Deep cleaning removes bacteria from the gum line to prevent further inflammation which could result in tooth loss. This cleaning is very intense and is done when the patient is under local anesthesia. The procedure involves multiple trips to the dentist because it is done in several treatment phases.

Periodontal Cleaning

Periodontal cleaning is done after a root planing. This follow-up treatment is done to ensure your gum inflammation has been fully relieved. The cleaning focuses on your bones, gums, crowns, and the roots of your teeth.

Summing It Up

Many people usually downplay the importance of seeing a dentist twice a year. However, regular visits to the dentist help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, tooth and bone loss, and many other dental conditions. The type of cleaning will vary depending on the last time you visited a dentist, your predisposition to specific dental issues, and the condition of your teeth.
