Critical Steps to Successful Dental Implant Surgery

16 July 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Missing teeth can significantly affect one's quality of life. You no longer get to enjoy some of your favourite foods, and participating in social group activities becomes a pain to most people. Thanks to dental surgery technology, patients do not have to go through such experiences. Dental implants are excellent tooth replacements, and when the procedure is done correctly, the results can be amazing. It might explain why dentists take adequate time to prepare for a dental implant procedure. This article highlights key steps for a successful dental implant procedure.

Initial Evaluation -- One thing you must understand about dental implant surgery is that it typically involves more than one surgical procedure. An oral surgeon has to make incisions in the gum and drill the jawbone. The processes can only lead to successful dental implantation if the dentist conducts a thorough oral evaluation. The initial assessment often involves several specialists, with the two most notable ones being a maxillofacial surgeon and a periodontist. During the initial evaluation, the professionals take X-rays of your teeth and jaw as well as 3D models of your teeth to ensure that the implants match your natural teeth. Most importantly, do not expect the initial evaluation to be over fast because the process takes time.

Medical History Review -- Just because you want dental implants does not mean that you should undergo surgery. Not everyone can handle a dental implant surgery procedure. For example, oral cancer patients can develop complications after a dental implant procedure. The reason for this is that cancer radiation therapy gravely affects soft tissue healing, and this might prolong healing after a dental implant procedure. Any prescription drugs you have been taking that might affect the dental implant surgery procedure should also be revealed during a comprehensive medical history review. The most important thing about this step is that you need to be as honest as possible with the information you provide. Any deliberate or mistaken omissions can affect the outcome of the dental procedure.

Treatment Plan -- The treatment plan involves pre- and post-surgery actions to increase the chances of a successful surgery and quick healing. These include a discussion into the number of teeth you need to be replaced, your diet before the surgery, and how to manage swelling, bruising, and minor bleeding after surgery. Patients need to understand what to expect after the surgery to minimize potential anxieties related to unknown post–dental implant surgery consequences.

To learn more, contact a resource that offers dental implants.
