4 Warning Signs That You Have Gum Disease

28 July 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Gum disease is one of the most common diseases in the world. It's also one of the most destructive dental issues you can get. It's a result of accumulated plaque and tartar in your mouth. Left untreated, gum disease can result in tooth or bone loss. If you notice any signs of the illness, you should make an appointment with your dentist immediately for diagnosis and treatment. Although most people may not even realise that they have gum disease, there are a few warning signs that you can look out for.

Continue reading for 4 signs that you may have gum disease. 

Redness and Swelling

This is one of the early signs of gum disease. Usually, an isolated area or the entire gum line shows signs of redness and swelling. The gums will most likely be sensitive to extreme temperatures and touch, aching when you consume foods that are too hot or too cold. 

Like any other infection, it causes the immune system to release antibodies to attack the bacteria. The ensuing battle causes inflammation and a dark redness to the gum tissue that doesn't lessen on its own. Fortunately, because this is an early sign of gum disease, your dentist may recommend a deep cleaning, which might get you better. If not, the dentist may proceed with further treatment as they deem fit. 

Bleeding When You Floss or Brush Your Teeth

It's not normal for your healthy gum tissue to bleed during your normal brushing and flossing routine. In a few instances, a bloody toothbrush may be a result of aggressive brushing, which could cause the gum tissue to weaken, making it prone to infections and random bleeding.

A bloody toothbrush is a sign that you have gum disease. If you notice that you have bleeding gums, don't try to wait it out; make an appointment immediately and inform your dentist about it.

Receding Gum Line  

This is a sign that gum disease has progressed to a more serious level. Your gums will pull back or retreat and make your teeth appear longer, leaving the root tooth exposed. When it's left exposed, the root tooth is vulnerable to bacteria, which will eat away at the root, resulting in tooth decay and a possible eventuality of tooth extraction. 

During this stage, treatment may involve root planing and scaling. The dentist may recommend antibiotics to apply to the gum line. However, if your gums have receded significantly, you may require a graft to rebuild a healthy gum.

Gum Abscess

Weakened gum tissue usually detaches from the tooth causing the thin gap between the gum tissues and the tooth to deepen, forming a periodontal pocket, resulting in an abscess. Puss then collects in this pocket causing it to appear redder and swollen than the nearby tissues. The abscess can be extremely painful to live with, causing fever and other symptoms. The bigger danger is that this infection could spread to other body parts.

If you notice any signs of gum disease, ensure you make an appointment with an experienced dentist to stop further deterioration and also provide restorative treatment alternatives. 

For more information on signs you may have gum disease, reach out to a local dentist.
