Dental Veneers: Three Fundamental Tips for Improving Performance and Lifespan

27 June 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you are concerned about the appearance of your teeth, consult your cosmetic dentist on the benefits of veneers. Dental veneers are customised shells made of composite resin or porcelain. The thin wafer-like products are installed by bonding to the surface of the teeth. The placement will change the appearance of the teeth, including the colour, shape and size. You can opt for this treatment if you would like to improve your smile and overall dental appeal. If you decide to get dental veneers, use these simple guidelines to ensure good performance and prolong the service life.

Check Your Hygiene

Evaluate your dental hygiene practices and improve your habits after getting your veneers. Remember, veneers are bonded to your teeth and act as the enamel. Therefore, the products will be susceptible to bacterial build-up if you are not diligent in dental care. The microbes will increase the risk of gum disease and other dental complications. Moreover, your veneers' appeal will decline if you do not clean the veneers well. Therefore, brush and floss as instructed by your cosmetic dentist. You can also use a mouthwash, but avoid products with alcohol because it might affect the veneer bond.

Protect from Staining

Veneers are designed to promote the appeal of your teeth. Therefore, if the surfaces of the dental products are stained, you will need further treatment. You can prevent discolouration by watching your consumption of potentially harmful things. For example, tobacco will turn the veneers to a yellowish shade. Therefore, avoid cigarettes and other tobacco products after getting the treatment. Some dark foods and drinks will also contribute to veneer damage. For instance, red and yellow spices, berries and caffeinated drinks can cause a dark tint. Consume these products moderately, and rinse your mouth with clean water after eating.

Prevent Stress Damage

Composite resin and porcelain veneers are resilient and durable, but exposure to stress will cause some damage. Therefore, you should monitor your patterns and manage bad habits that could cause excess strain. For instance, chewing on hard objects like ice, candy or pens will increase the risk of chipping your veneers. Also, avoid teeth clenching and grinding due to their tendency to wear down dental material. These issues are related to stress, so you should choose different relaxation methods to manage emotional distress. Additionally, consider using a mouth guard when sleeping to minimise damage from night grinding. Finally, if you notice dental anomalies or your veneers sustain damage, consult your cosmetic dentist for a check-up.

Contact a cosmetic dentistry provider to learn more. 
